Class 10th English Model Set
Class 10th English Model Set

BSEB 10th English Model Set Question | Class 10th English अंग्रेजी VVI Model Set Question 

Model Set – 3

1. The writer saw a play in –

(A) Patna 

(B) London

(C) Dublin

(D) America

Answer- C

2. Corn-merchant’s wife was –

(A) Fantastic Nature

(B) Fair lady

(C) Cheater 

(D) Dull nature

Answer- A

3. The only companion of the mohter in the story “Two Horizon’, is –

(A) her husband

(B) her son 

(C) her daughter

(D) her dog

Answer- C

4. Polythene Bag’s makes ……………. noise. 

(A) squeaky

(B) chirpy

(C) harsh 

(D) soft

Answer- A

5. In Cinema the writer finds himself in a –

(A) Pleasant condition

(B) Hopeless fog 

(C) Hopeful condition

(D) Enjoyable condition

Answer- B

6. What according to author is good for garden ? 

(A) Fertiliser 

(B) Irrigation

(C) Compost 

(D) None of these

Answer- C

7. When the author of ‘Me and Ecology Bit , went to Mr. Williams, he was –

(A) burning fire 

(B) burning straw

(C) burning forest

(D) burning leaves

Answer- D

8. What is wrong with Indian Films’, has been written by –

(A) Mahadevi Verma

(B) Premchand 

(C) Humayan Kabir

(D) Satyajit Ray

Answer- D

9. What type of pollution is created by compost, according to Mr. Williams?

(A) Air Pollution

(B) Nose Pollution 

(C) Noise Pollution

(D) None of these

Answer- B

10. In the lesson, the narrator talks about how he advises everybody what they should do to protect the –

(A) Elderly 

(B) Ecology

(C) Children 

(D) Pedestrians


11. Gillu’s eyes were –

(A) red 

(B) blue

(C) yellow 

(D) refulgent

Answer- D

12. Polythene Bag, when left to itself; environment. 

 (A) pollutes

(B) decorates

(C) beautifies 

(D) enriches

Answer- A

13. Who has delivered the speech “The Unity of Indian Culture’ ?

(A) Humayun Kabir

(B) Dr. Trinath Mishra 

(C) Mahadevi Verma

(D) Leo Tolstoy

Answer- A

14. How did the squirrel twittered when he was hungry –

(A) Rik – Kik 

(B) Chak-Chak

(C) Chik – Chik 

(D) Chuk-Chuk

Answer- C

15. Everyone told the narrator that the squirrel would not ………. after being attacked so badly by the crows.

(A) Move 

(B) Eat

(C) Live 

(D) Sleep

Answer- C

16. Which of the following university conferred on Satyajit Ray an honorary doctorate degree, an honour which ray few people have received ?

(A) Cambridge

(B) California

(C) Oxford 

(D) Perish

Answer- C

17. The name of Halku’s wife in January Night was –

(A) Chunni 

(B) Munni

(C) Tunni 

(D) Banni

Answer- B

BSEB 10th English Model Set Question

18. “Quality’, is a story about a –

(A) Sweet maker

(B) Shoe maker

(C) Bread maker

(D) Cake maker

Answer- B

19. In which year first feature film of India was per formed ?

(A) 1913 A.D.

(B) 1925 A.D.

(C) 1935 A.D. 

(D) 1947 A.D.

Answer- A

20. According to author, which of the following commands the respect accorded to any other form of creative exposion ?

(A) Music 

(B) Literature

(C) Cinema 

(D) Sports

Answer- C

21. What is more precious than diamond or silver or gold –

(A) brotherhood

(B) Striving for peace

(C) Independence of a country 

(D) All above

Answer- D

22. What is one of the most remarkable features of India culture according to Humayun kabir ?

(A) Underlying Unity

(B) Lots of festivals 

(C) Diversity of people

(D) So many religions

Answer- A

23. Aung San Suu Kyi was fighting for ………. in Burma. 

(A) Democracy

(B) Dictatorship

(C) Monarchy 

(D) Tyranny

Answer- A

24. The Nobel Peace Prize was given to Suu Kyi in ……..

(A) 1992 

(B) 2000

(C) 1990 

(D) 1991

Answer- D

25. The old woman was –

(A) foolish 

(B) wise

(C) shy 

(D) bold

Answer- B

26. Did she know about their motive ? 

(A) Yes

(B) No

(C) Confused 

(D) None of these

Answer- A

27. Which of the following awards was also given to Toni Morrison ? 

(A) Booker Awards

(B) Ramon Magassessay

(C) Politzer 

(D) None of these

Answer- C

28. According to modern research, the existance of has been considered to be true. 

(A) Post-Aryan invaders

(B) No Pre-Aryan invaders 

(C) Pre-Aryan invaders

(D) None of these

Answer- C

29. It is the feeling of belonging to one ……….that is so special about Indian culture.

(A) Religion

(B) Group

(C) Region 

(D) Race

Answer- B

30. Culture is always a complex of …………..Stands of varying importance and vitality.

(A) Two 

(B) Three

(C) Four 

(D) Many

Answer- D

31. Why was Akoulya’s mother angry ? 

(A) Because her daughter’s frock became dirty & stained

(B) Because her daughter became wet

(C) Her daughter start weeping 

(D) None of these

Answer- A

32. In this story, the author shows how little children sometimes behave in a more mature manner than –

(A) Animals

(B) Plants

(C) Saints 

(D) Adults

Answer- D

33. Malasha put down her foot and splashed dirty water on to Akoulya’s –

(A) Hands 

(B) Neck

(C) Frock 

(D) Hair

Answer- C

34. Who had dressed them ? 

(A) The mother

(B) The father

(C) The sister 

(D) None of these

Answer- A

35. According to poetry who made the town ? 

(A) God 

(B) Government

(C) Man 

(D) None of these

Answer- C

36. Where do you find health and virtue ? 

(A) Country 

(B) Town

(C) Village 

(D) Space

Answer- C

37. From where does he get his clothes ? 

(A) From bamboos

(B) From leathers of animals

(C) From his flocks of sheep 

(D) None of these

Answer- C

38. How does the poet desire to sleep ? 

(A) So long 

(B) Soundly

(C) Sleep for less hours

(D) None of these

Answer- B

39. What happens when we burn A Polythene Bag ? 

(A) it turns into ash

(B) it gives a poisnous smell

(C) it becomes volatile

(D) None of these

Answer- B

40. Radha’s friends goes to Krishna-

(A) running

(B) riding

(C) walking 

(D) sailing

Answer- A

41. Who is crying in the poem ‘Thinner than a Crescent’ ? 

(A) Radha

(B) Lord Krishna

(C) The Poet 

(D) None of these

Answer- A

42. Greed is ……………. but life is not. 

(A) Worthy 

(B) Bad

(C) Good 

(D) Endless

Answer- D

43. What is the meaning of “Thy” ? 

(A) Own 

(B) My

(C) Your 

(D) Our

Answer- C

44. Where does the Cuckoo conceal itself ? 

(A) In forest 

(B) In the leaves of a plant

(C) In Mango – leaves

(D) None of these

Answer- C

45. What does the bird do to the poet ? 

(A) Wakes poet’s soul

(B) Sang in musical voice 

(C) Attacked upon him

 (D) None of these

Answer- A

46. Who is ‘He’, in the first line of the poem ‘The sleeping porter’ ?

(A) Porter 

(B) Poet

(C) A bird 

(D) None of these

Answer- A

47. What does Martha do in the hazel glen ? 

(A) Sleeps

 (B) Tells her stories 

(C) Writes her stories

(D) Singing Practise

Answer- B

48. Which of the following word stands for Martha used in the poem ?

(A) She 

(B) Her

(C) Both (A) & (B)

(D) None of these

Answer- B

49. Which of the following work of Premchand was banned by the British Govt. ?

(A) Godan 

(B) Nirmala

(C) Soje Vatan 

(D) None of these

Answer- C

50. What is suggested to avoid allergy ? 

(A) Wear of pollen mask when moving on the Grass

(B) Stay indoors in the morning and on windy days

(C) Read the understand food labels 

(D) All of the above

Answer- D

BSEB 10th English Model Set Question

51. The clinical use of inhaled ………… is currently gaining ground due to their anti inflammatory effects.

(A) Steroids 

(B) Proteins

(C) Allergens 

(D) Antibodies

Answer- A

52. The Banker decided to murder the………. 

(A) Guard 

(B) Servant

(C) Gardener 

(D) Lawyer

Answer- D

53. How did the author know him ?

(A) As an artist

(B) As a professional shoe trader 

(C) As a commerical artist

(D) None of these

Answer- A

54. Sun and Moon went downstairs hand in hand to meet in the –

(A) Guests 

(B) Relatives

(C) Neighbours 

(D) Friends

Answer- A

55. the children’s mother called them ………. When she found them out of their room.

(A) Stupid 

(B) Naughty

(C) Sweet 

(D) Foolish

Answer- B

56. The daughter asks her mother why she is not able to attain the satisfaction her mother experienced in her one life.

(A) Lonely 

(B) Married

(C) Widowed 

(D) Short

Answer- B

57. According to the mother, a sense of ………. cannot be bought or gifted to someone.

(A) Loss 

(B) Gain

(C) Sadness 

(D) Fulfilment

Answer- D

58. Which the following is represented by the Girl ? 

(A) A latest prototype of modern educated girl

(B) A classic prototype of modern educated girl

(C) An old prototype of educated girl 

(D) None of these

Answer- A

59. The narrator ………. up with his girl friend. 

(A) Broke 

(B) Patched

(C) Beat 

(D) Drove

Answer- A

60. In ‘Pace for Living,’ R.C. Hutchinson discusses –

(A) the happiness of men

(B) the agony of modern man

(C) the dilemma of people

(D) None of these

Answer- B

Direction (61-66): Choose the correct passive form of the given sentences

61. Nobody can catch him. 

(A) He can not be caught.

(B) He can not caught.

(C) He could not be caught. 

(D) He could not caught.

Answer- A

62. We must have obeyed our teachers. 

(A) Our teachers might have obeyed.

(B) Our teachers might have been obeyed.

(C) Our teachers must have been obeyed. 

(D) Our teachers must have obeyed.

Answer- C

63. Rahul must have done that task. 

(A) That task must had been done by Rahul.

(B) That task must have been done by Rahul. : 

(C) That task must have done by Rahul.

(D) That task must have been did by Rahul.

Answer- B

64. We ought to have saved our environment. 

(A) Our environment ought to had been saved.

(B) Our environment ought to have been save.

(C) Our environment ought to have been saved. 

(D) Our environment ought to have saved.

Answer- C

65. There is no book to read. 

(A) To be read there is no book.

(B) To read there is no book.

(C) There is no book to read.

(D) There is no book to be read.

Answer- D

66. There is nothing to do. 

(A) There was nothing to be done.

(B) There is nothing to be done.

(C) There is nothing to done.

(D) There is nothing to do.

Answer- B

Direction (67 – 72): Choose the indirect speech of the given sentences :

67. He said to her, “What a cold day!” 

(A) He told her that it was a cold day.

(B) He exclaimed that it was a cold day.

(C) He exclaimed sorrowfully that it was a cold day.

(D) He exclaimed that it was a very cold day.

Answer- D

68. The tailor said to him, “Will you have the suit ready by tomorrow evening ?

(A) The tailor asked him that he will have the suit ready by the next evening.

(B) The tailor asked him that he would had the suit ready by the next evening.

(C) The tailor asked him if he would have the suit ready by the next evening.

(D) The tailor asked him if he will like to the suit ready by the next evening.

Answer- C

69. He said to interviewer, “Could you please repeat the question ?

(A) He requested the interviewer if he could please re peat the question.

(B) He requested the interviewer to please repeat the question.

(C) He requested the interviewer to repeat the question.

(D) He requested the interviewer if he could repeat the question.

Answer- C

70. He said to me, “What do you want ?

(A) He asked me what I wanted.

(B) He asked me that what I wanted.

(C) He asked me what I want. 

(D) None of these.

Answer- A

71. Naveen says to me, “I am your friend.

(A) Naveen says to me that I am his friend.

(B) Naveen tells me that he is my friend.

(C) Naveen says to me that he was my friend. 

(D) Naveen says to me that I am your friend.

Answer- B

72. I said to her, “I am a good player.

(A) I said to her that I am a good player.

(B) I told her that I am a good player.

(C) I said to her that I had been a good player.

(D) I told her that I was a good player.

Answer- B

Direction (73-78): Choose the correct form of Verb .

73. She for effective follow up of Agenda.

(A) called 

(B) call

(C) will called

(D) be call

Answer- A

74. I  ………. repairing defective car.

(A) were 

(B) is

(C) am 

(D) will

Answer- C

75. She __ working very hard before examination. 

(A) has been 

(B) has be

(C) has being 

(D) has to

Answer- A

76. Prime Minister ………..  meeting to discuss matters of country. 

(A) call 

(B) is calls

(C) called 

(D) am called

Answer- C

77. She ……….. care about such odd behaviour.

(A) do not 

(B) does not

(C) is not 

(D) are not

Answer- B

78. Usually I —- parties but I —- this one very much. 

(A) enjoy / am not enjoying

(B) am enjoying / haven’t enjoyed

(C) enjoy / don’t enjoy

(D) enjoyed / haven’t enjoyed

Answer- A

Direction (79- 80) : Choose the most suitable  preposition:

79. I do not agree ——— you on this point. 

(A) to 

(B) in

(C) at 

(D) with

Answer- D

80. Nobody in our group has a genius ———– winning friends and in convincing people.

(A) in 

(B) for

(C) of 

(D) at

Answer- B

BSEB 10th English Model Set Question , Class 10th English अंग्रेजी VVI Model Set Question 

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