10th English Chapter wise

Class 10th English Poetry VVI Objective Question

Ode on Solitude

1. Pope, in the poem Ode on Solitude‘, says that village people get everythig except –

 (A) Milk from herds

(B) Bread from fields 

(C) A Hire from flocks

(D) Money from trees

Answer – A

2. In the poem Ode on Solitudethe poet draus a beautiful ficture of ......

(A) A village

 (B) A poor man

(C) A happy man 

(D) A town

Answer – A

3. Ode on Solitudeis written by– 

 (A) Alexander Pope

(B) William Cooper

(C) Vidyapati 

(D) Puran Singh

Answer – A

4. Where does the happy man live, according to this poetr

(A) In forest 

(B) In towns

(C) In his native land

(D) None of these

Answer – C

5. How is he content ?

(A) To live peacefully

(B) to live with comfort 

(C) To live with luxury

(D) None of these

Answer – A

6. Who gives him food

(A) Market 

(B) Field

(C) Farmer 

(D) None of these

Answer – B

7. From where does he get his clothes

(A) From bamboos

 (B) From leathers of animals 

(C) From his flocks of sheep

(D) None of these

Answer – C

8. How does the poet desire to sleep

(A) So long 

(B) Soundly

(C) Sleep for less hours

(D) None of these

Answer – B

9. The poet does not want anything to mark the place where he is

(A) Buried 

(B) Sitting

(C) Hiding 

(D) Lost

Answer – A

10. A happy mans wants are satisfied by the property inherited by him from his .

 (A) Uncle 

(B) Mother

(C) Cousin 

(D) Father

Answer – D

11. Hours, days and years slide away...........for the happy man. 

(A) Hard 

(B) Quickly

(C) Softly 

(D) Tensely

Answer – C

12. Meditation .............. the happy man. 

(A) Pleases 

(B) Worries

(C) Disturbs 

(D) None of these

Answer – A

13. What does the poet wish

(A) His hours, days and years pass away softly

(B) To spend luxurious life 

(C) To live with comfort

(D) None of these

Answer – A

14. Ode is poem addressed to a ......…….. or an object 

(A) sun 

(B) moon

(C) person 

(D) stars

Answer – C

15. In the poem ‘Ode on Solitude’ the poet draws a beautiful picture of a .........

(A) happy man 

(B) cruel man

(C) modern man

(D) politician

Answer – A

Class 10th English Poetry VVI Objective Question

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